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The myth of the cave 2.0


Dear friends,

The seminar that begins tomorrow -  10 July, 2020 - offers us another great opportunity to gradually move forward on the path of illumination, deeply thinking together about the most important issues of life, learning how to make use of every event we become witness of or in which we are protagonists; actually, we often cover both  roles alternately and in quick succession.
My beloved Master, Shrila Prabhupada, all glories to Him, has explained many times that the era of Kali is characterized by discord.
As matter of fact, discord produces sense of separateness. From separateness to competition and conflict, and from there moving to physical and moral destruction, takes only a few short steps.
Separating, conflicting and destroying are character inclinations that we find in the vast majority of the people of our contemporaneity, whilst the spirit of sharing, in order to reunite and build healthy relationships aimed at loving, are increasingly rare qualities.
We are in the midst of a serious planetary socio-environmental crisis, unfolding before our eyes, but many people seem to have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. They are the men and women of Kali-Yuga, same ones sitting in the cave as described in Plato's metaphor.
Today, as in the myth of the cave, most of those who do not see remain passive, a part of them adapt themselves to the privations they are suffering from, while a minority becomes an active opponent of the few who still see.

Marco Ferrini
(Matsya Avatar das)

Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta, Università Popolare degli Studi Indovedici


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