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01 March 2024
In the Indo-Vedic civilization, "dharma" is the implicit order the Greeks called "kosmos." It is the divine energy that sustains and regulates all that is. Dharma is the cosmo-ethical order, the se...
21 July 2023
The question of karmā, both from eschatological and philosophical perspectives, as well as from psychological and sociological viewpoints, has a series of implications. The concept of "karmā" is ...
09 November 2022
Dear friends, the Institute of Indo-Vedic Studies (Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta APS) and the Fondazione Studi Bhaktivedanta ETS present the “Govardhan Italia” project, realized by the ADAyur (Didac...
02 December 2020
Love is a potential faculty of all beings. By practicing love, this faculty develops and becomes an effective capability to love.
28 October 2020
The power of language is the foundation of cultural hegemony, while righteous behavior proves that it is really possible to live in order to attain our spiritual fulfillment.
16 October 2020
Any catastrophe, no matter if it is past or present, true or invented, natural or artfully caused, individual or collective one, can be successfully faced up like any other event, if we remain free...
17 July 2020
The concept of Faith in the Vedic Revelation and in the Monotheistic Vaishnava Tradition has a very important value; deepening it can also represent an important contribution for modern and conte...
13 July 2020
"If we do well in the present, we don't have to worry too much about the future. Living our today serenely and righteously means transforming the old anxieties into hope for our tomorrow." Marco ...
09 July 2020
  Dear friends, The seminar that begins tomorrow -  10 July, 2020 - offers us another great opportunity to gradually move forward on the path of illumination, deeply thinking together about the...
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