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20 April 2020
In periods of rapid socio-cultural transformations, like the one we are experiencing, it is necessary to ask ourselves whether and how delicate essential family relationships - such as those betwee...
24 March 2020
For as long as I can remember, I have never perceived an individual and collective malaise so overhanging, intensive and extensive as in these Coronavirus times. People, crushed as they are benea...
11 March 2020
In times of emergency for coronavirus (Covid19), there are many valuable doctors, virologists and other specialists who offer their precious contribution in their respective fields. I deal wit...
09 March 2020
Dear All, We have been bombarded by increasing dramatic and often contradictory news about the spread of coronavirus (Covid 19) for weeks, which contribute to painting scenarios that cause anxi...
27 February 2020
Corona virus, COVID-19 Seek joy and keep your balance, do not underestimate the danger but do not even be afraid. My Master used to say: fear is the daughter of ignorance. As far as concerns the c...
06 February 2020
In every religious tradition, the commandment “Do not kill” represents the main teaching. In the Veda such principle is spread out with the concept of ahimsa, “do not damage the others”, which is t...
30 January 2020
The path of spiritual evolution is marked by different phases, breakthroughs,  deviations and stagnations, falls, imprisonments and  progressive liberations. Even the man who has testified the impo...
09 January 2020
No one forces us to keep our defects, yet our unconscious conditionings oblige us to do so! The latter are the result of negative experiences that we have gathered without properly elaborating them...
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